‘Brand’ New Love

Everyone’s favorite word is their own personal name. That would be why someone could say it across the room and you would still hear it above the other sounds. Not to mention people like it when you use their name, it makes them feel special. (Source: How To Win Friends And Influence People. By Dale Carnegie.)

That proves why personalizing your wedding from beginning to end has quickly become such a popular trend. This is a way of distinguishing your personality as a new couple. When the happy couple reveals their customized wedding logo in the early stages to their guests they get a preview of what’s to come. All brides want their wedding to be unique in its own special way and what better way of doing this than creating a customized signature monogram! A wedding logo is a fabulous way of combining the season, colors, style, and theme all into one. Event & Wedding Logos can be used in numerous ways to give your event an edge.

I recently received an e-mail from Event Logo House offering my clients 10% off their logo by using my name as a special coupon code! I thought this was an offer I could not resist for the sake of my brides budget. After 18 e-mails back and fourth to each other Stacey the owner of Event Logo House and I came up with a great way of showing off her creative logo’s.

Many brides pick their wedding date based upon weather conditions. Some brides pick a date based upon their favorite season (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.) Picking a season does play a big roll in many aspects of the wedding (what flowers are in season), but then comes four types of brides: romantic, classy, natural, dramatic. With all that being said that leaves a minimum of 16 possible wedding themes, because all four types of brides apply to all four seasons of the year. Below are just a few samples by Event Logo House giving you an idea just how talented they are. Just remember that the best part about a monogram is that it can be part of the engagement party, save the dates, gobo light, and even the thank you cards. The options are endless.



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