Engagement season is over and now it’s time to get started on all things wedding planning! First things first, you need to announce your engagement. What better way than with gorgeous photos from an engagement photoshoot? Hylah has come up with her top 5 tips for creating an engagement shoot as unique as your love.
1. Plan for at least 2 different outfit options.
For most couples, your engagement photos are the first set of professional photos you share. Get the most out of the shoot and plan to change at least one time - for 2 different looks.
2. Start off in an outfit that makes you feel like you!
If you are camera shy, make sure you start in your outfit choice that makes you feel the most comfortable. This will help you look more comfortable in front of the camera and set up your shoot for success!
3. NO White T-Shirts
We said it before, these may be the first set of professional photos you have done as a couple. Unless you are intentionally going for the James Dean look, class it up, avoid white t-shirts.
4. Be Mindful of Patterns
Make sure that you are coordinating your patterns for you shoot. Avoid patterns that will clash or blend together.
5. Location, Location, Location!
Keep in mind the location you will be shooting! Does it match the look you are going for? Are you doing an outfit change? Are there different backdrop options to create some diversity?
Overall, these photos are supposed to be a beautiful way to show off your love! Have fun!
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